Jessica Brown • Lead User Interface Designer
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It’s kinda like a blog, but also not one. Updated when I feel like it, this is an ongoing log of what I’m up to in work and life.

Why /now? 
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Updated 20 January 2025

I’ve been promoted to Lead UI Designer at TSB 🎉  

I’m playing the ‘coziest open world game ever’,
Infinity Nikki (not my video). Hands down, it’s the best game to chill out to with a remarkably wholesome community.

Finished two very depressing and grotesque books, Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh and The Vegetarian by Han Kang.  

Upgraded my WFH set up with a walking pad. I used to easily walk 10k steps a day pre-Covid days, so I’m aiming to get back up to that number. At the moment I’ve been able to do a mile a day!

Doing a little Agile Training on the side, mainly to strengthen my foundational understanding of agile methodology, but also to better understand how it can work with the UX/UI disclipine. 

Trying to grow cauliflower and tomatoes at home, ready for early spring planting.

Get in touch  

If you’ve got any questions or a role in mind, send me an email
Or you can connect with me on LinkedIn.

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Jessica Brown © 2019 —