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Move money

Eliminating tech debt, one redesign at a time with a strategic uplift to our payment journeys.

App Design
Design System

In house

Lead UI Designer

2023 — 2024

The Project

With our shift to agile principles, we had an ongoing commitment to removing as much tech debt as possible in each journey we touched. part of an ongoing personalisation initiative,  we were tasked with redesigning the Products hub in the app to deliver a space where product listings could be curated per user.

The previous Payments hub was a scrollable list containing every product offered — there was no curation and crucially no order to the products. Analytics confirmed our suspicions. Products placed in the top 3 rows received the most clicks.

Another concern we had was that ‘new’ labels were hardcoded into the app and not easy to change on the fly. We wanted a way of easily configuring a product’s status tags to make them more timely and relevant for customers.

Designed to be delightful

Imagine you’d

Cinemagraphs and interviews were woven into the flow of the website design to guide visitors through every step of the Chaletbau Matti experience.

- used lighter assets

Get in touch

If you’ve got a project or role in mind, send me an email  
Or you can connect with me on LinkedIn or read.cv

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Jessica Brown © 2019 —